Languages for the Future


Which languages the UK needs most and why

The Languages for the Future report identifies Spanish, Arabic, French, Mandarin Chinese, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Turkish and Japanese as the languages most vital to the UK over the next 20 years. They were chosen based on economic, geopolitical, cultural and educational factors including the needs of UK businesses, the UK’s overseas trade targets, diplomatic and security priorities, and prevalence on the internet.

Parli italiano?

Speaking Italian….. is easy with a native speaker Italian tutor!

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  • Want your children to speak Italian properly?

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The use of ICT for teaching and learning languages

The use of a multimedia PC suite can develop independent learning skills and enables self-assessment to take place. Learners can work individually Continue reading

What is CLIL?

CLIL stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning. It refers to teaching subjects such as science, history and geography to students through a foreign language

CLIL in Europe

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) at School in Europe

“Multilingualism is at the very heart of European identity, since languages are a fundamental aspect of the cultural identity of every European” – Ján Figel’ Commissioner responsible for Education, Training and Multilingualism European Commission – document